I've learnt more than I've taught
Somehow, blogger.com has restricted me from posting an entry on this blog since the Pattaya trip until today! I've forgotten much of what I wanted to say originally, but I reckon my thoughts,emotions and gratitude and a tinge of reluctance have already been communicated to the intended.
It had been a trying period. What the heck. It still IS, with preparations for prelims and the eventual A levels picking up the tempo.
Back to Pattaya. I didn't get to eat my papayas. But I learnt of hulahoops. And the amazingly high level of resilience I possess, considering the number of LS episodes I had to undergo.
But I've learnt much. And music making has become meaningful again.
I believe I gave the kids (and the bunch of adults from the varsity choir - they're really monkeys in disguise haha) all that I could offer.
I didn't expect to get anything back in return. But I have gotten back so much more.
I was once again inspired to do music. I was given love.
Gonna miss this bunch of kids.
My best hopes and wishes for them, in choir and college and most importantly, in life thereafter. I am sure this experience has made them stronger individuals. I sincerely hope this put them in good stead for life's many challenges ahead as they would face in time to come.
Showed Pattaya the AJ thang. They showed me what life can be.
Not forgetting the adults, I never knew I could emote that strongly, for any song other than "No Man is an Island", my choir anthem. Thank you for showing me that something that emotionally charged could be achieved. I have to say, we made mistakes and it was a competition after all. But we made meaningful music. Music, the way it should have been. It moved people. That's what matters.
Singapore's birthday is just round the corner. With each year that has passed, I feel stronger and deeper for this place I call Home. Why? I can't seem to single out any particular reason but all I can say is this.
I would willingly die defending this country, even if I knew resistance would be futile and death carries a high probability. 'nuff said.
For all of the above, that gives me meaning and passion in life.
I bleed red and white, and yellow, and now, blue too.