...the point of no return...

Friday, August 18, 2006

Victoria Chorale Aloof? Proud? Cmon, are you serious?

This is fairly disturbing. I mean no problems if Victoria Chorale REALLY is aloof and proud and what not. And on what grounds? For being one of Singapore's longest standing choral society? For being the alumnus of VJ/VS choir? For recently being crowned Category Champions at the World Choir Games in Xiamen?

The truth is we are not! And it really irritates the hell out of me when you have sneaky little goblins(I wanted to say sneaky little bastards but this is a public blog I should not advocate the use of foul language, hmm did i just say sneaky little bastards) with no honour (yea goblins coz they probably have GREEN eyes, you know what i'm saying!) going around sprouting all sort of nonsence about us AND ignorant members of the public or audience who don't know you personally going around commenting that we ARE aloof and proud simply because we kindda APPEARED aloof and proud on stage.

Cmon! Making a judgement call, moreover an irresponsible and groundless one on not ONE person but a GROUP of people simply because you(or the group of non-thinking childish immature company you were in) perceive us exuuuuuuberating an air of suuuuperiority on stage as ALOOFNESS???? Well done mate.

What made things worse is my realization from various sources that people making such comments are involved in this choral scene, whether they're faithful or casual patrons of choral music OR choristers themselves singing in choirs that have or have not interacted with the chorale.

If any VC member did anything that was offensive, rude or suggested aloofness, come take it up with us! We'd definitely investigate and provide you with a comprehensive explanation or an apology if we have REALLY TRULY stepped on your toes. www.vc.org.sg is where you can contact us via the contact details listed on the website so get down to doing it if you think your comments were fair and justifiable.

Just don't go around defaming us and maligning us of an attitude we do not embrace and will not even tolerate among ourselves.

Please! what the!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

heh oh well... it's an indication that our stage presence is mighty impressive. We have a confidence and poise that comes with years of performing and competing... perhaps there is a thin line between that and arrogance, but a line that nevertheless exists.


1:46 PM

Blogger evelyn said...

exuding, exuding, and what does it matter anyway. perhaps if we had been more appreciative of the wild cheering? but credit goes to us for successfully hiding our misgivings - and quite unlike the truly arrogant, none of us would be afraid to admit this publicly. one day they will know! or not. chill lah.

3:28 AM

Blogger QUEENegg said...

hoho. don be angry master ((:

1:42 PM

Blogger Joel said...

hahah! pray tell me, where from these comments come?

3:38 PM

Blogger terrrrrrr said...

reliable sources. well you can please everyone I reckon.

like you have ppl critizing MM Lee and undermining the tremendous amount of work he had done to get Singapore to where we are today.

12:09 PM

Blogger deferens said...

(sorry dunno how to edit blogger comments, so have to del prev post)

actually u can't control ppl's perception. Especially so, now that you guys have won something recently, there's always going to be the issue of sour grapes mixing with your increased prominence.

However, I'm quite sure public sweeping statements are not unfounded. Rather, they may be the result of one or two black sheeps in the flock that are exhibiting embaressing behaviour that is causing the problem.

Such opinions are no doubt unfair, but I guess the moral of the story here is that now that you all are getting the recognition you deserve, it is even more important that you all take extra effort in portraying the right image you want of the chorale to the public.

4:18 PM


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